Names: Darkkit, Darkpaw, Darkvalley.
Name Reason: She was born in the dark near a willow tree. Her suffix is because, no matter the hole she gets stuck in, she can always get out.
History: Darkvalley was born with Willowmoon to Echonight and Fallenwings long before Blossomkit was born. Darkvalley has a weak spot for her family and when they get hurt, she is the one to help them. When she became a medicine cat apprentice, she learned that the clan is her family and she must treat them like she would her kin. Once she learned this, Wolfwatcher, her mentor made her a full medicine cat and gave her the name Darkvalley.
Mate: None.
Siblings: Willowmoon and Blossomkit.
Parents: Fallenwings and Echonight.
Other kin: Cranekit, Berrykit, Hiddenkit, Rosekit, Palekit, Shadedmoon, Silentstar, Rabbitfoot, Bramblepaw, Briarsun.
Fur: Black with silver marks.
Eyes / Eye: Dark blue.