Names: Diamond
Name Reason: Her light fur + strange twoleg naming system
Diamond is a kittypet who lives near FallenClan. Her mate is Void, and they have had four kits together. Diamond is warm, friendly, and loves being a kittypet. When one of her sons, Dark, ran off, she and Void gave their kits to FallenClan to take care of. Her kits are happy an well in FallenClan, and though she misses them, so is she.
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: Void
Kits: Pinknose (Angel), Crowbreeze (Shadow), Dark (Salem), and Fadedlight (Cinders).
Other Kin: Unknown
Fur Color: Bright white with pale gray paws and tail tip.
Eye Color: Blue
Other: Very pink nose and ears