Names: Silentkit, Silentpaw, Silentsong, Silentstar.
Name Reason: She was born mute, and when she was an older apprentice she started talking, giving her the suffix song.
History: Silentstar was born to Irissun and Midnightpelt along with her sisters Echonight, Rabbitfoot and Shadedmoon. It is little know that they started the first KitClan after Hollystar died. It is also little know she was born pure black. (more on that later). When she became an apprentice, Silentstar was mentored by Silversong, the young father of Fallenwings at the time. In the later time of her apprenticeship she started to speak. By the time she was a warrior, she could speak fully and was given the suffix song for her voice. Not so long after mentoring Archtail, Silentstar became Sunstar's (Sunowl's) deputy. When he went to StarClan, she became leader. Silentstar has been leader for a while now, using her skills of loyalty, bravery, and wisdom to lead the clan well.
Mate: None.
Siblings: Echonight, Shadedmoon, Rabbitfoot.
Parents: Irissun and Midnightpelt
Other Kin: Bramblepaw, Briarsun, Berrykit, Cranekit, Palekit, Hiddenkit, Rosekit, Hollystar.
Fur Color: Was black, turned white. (Its a rare condition. My drawing isn't very good, so go to the link below to look at Scrappy, a cat with the same condition.)
Eye Color: Grey-Silver