Names: Sunkit, Sunpaw, Sunheart.
Name Reason: His sunny personality and fur color.
Sunheart was born to Sunowl, the deputy, and his mother. His father died before he was born. He had a good childhood, a good apprenticehood, and his life was perfect until his warrior years. Soon after becoming a warrior, he took Cresentfall for a mate. Sadly, she died young not to long after having his kits Hivestorm, Smokecloud, and Moonflame. Sunheart is a good warrior, but still is grieving Cresentfall.
Parents: Sunowl, Unknown Mother
Siblings: None
Mate: Cresentfall
Kits: Hivestorm, Smokecloud, Moonflame
Other Kin: To many to list.
Fur Color: Yellow and red
Eye color: Yellow-Orange