Chapter 3 - Rain
"Shadedmoon. Move, I want to see the kit. Fallenwings, you may stay. Blossomkit, go to your mother.” Silentstar said as the soft morning sunlight dappled her marbled fur.
Shadedmoon moved, an annoyed look on her face and walked into the crowd as Blossomkit walked toward her mother. Once everyone was settled Silentstars finally padded towards Mint and Fallenwings.
As Silentstar walked toward the two cats, Mint, if it was possible, pushed even closer to Fallenwing’s leg. Slowly, as if being forced upward, Mint raised her head cautiously. Silentstar slowly walked around the kit, inspecting her from every angle. After a painstakingly long inspection, Silentstar walked back to address her clanmates.
“Fallenwings, seeing as you brought her here and she is a kit, she is your and Echonight’s responsibility. We welcome Mintkit to FallenClan!”
Mintkit was covered in dust, and now her pale pelt looked almost sandy yellow.
“Come on Mintkit! Over here!” Blossomkit yelled excitedly from the other side of the gordge.
Mintkit hurriedly licked herself somewhat clean and bounded over to the area of camp Blossomkit was standing.
Blossomkit was already by the nursery, squealing and play fighting with the other kits who were at the entrance.
Mintkit looked from kit to kit, all will to join in seeping out of her. Her stomach grumbled so loudly, she felt as if Starclan could hear it. She padded over to the hollow prey tree, not noticing the dark clouds covering the sky and as soon as she was going to bite into the plump bird she had picked out, she heard a strange sound.
A wet droplet landed straight on Mintkit’s nose. She looked up and saw a crowd of gray clouds floating above the camp.
“Plip plip plop plip”
Squealing once again, the other kits ran into the nursery, clearly not enjoying the now heavy rainfall. Mintkit looked around puzzledly. Why is everyone going in? She thought. Mintkit looked up again, staring at the sky, enjoying the sensation of the droplets hitting her fur.
“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Blossomkit hollered from the den. “GET IN HERE! IT”S BETTER THAN OUT THERE!”
Mintkit was puzzled, but she did want to stop her friend from bothering the Clan with that ruckus. She padded toward the den slowly, wanting to still feel the water on her fur. Immediately, when she got inside the den Blossomkit had a comment.
“Aren’t you cold?”
“Nooo…..Should’ve I been?” Mintkit asked unsurely
“Eeh” Blossomkit replied, attention now on a shiny blue beetle that had crawled in.
Mintkit lowered into a crouch, staring at it, determined to catch it before Blossomkit. There was a playful glint in the two kits' eyes, and they shared a glance. Mintkit’s gaze was directed forward when she heard a grunting noise. Rosekit had caught the beetle and was smirking.
“HEY! That was mine!” Mintkit and Blossomkit yelled at the same time.
“Catchers-Keepers!” Rosekit whispered, clinging to the shiny beetle.
“But-” Blossomkit said.
“No buts. Rosekit caught it first” Echonight meowed. The queen padded over to Blossomkit and gently stroked her back with her tail. “Why don’t we search the den for a better one?”
“Fine” Blossomkit grumbled and began sticking her nose in the moss to find another beetle.
But, Blossomkit, being Blossomkit, immediately tackled Rosekit as soon as Echonight left the den to get prey. The two kits started rolling on the den floor in a mess of fur.
“I GOT IT!!” Blossomkit screamed in about 2 seconds.
“You don’t ‘got it’ !” Rosekit hollered.
“I’m here too you know!” Mintkit reminded them, though the two kits seemed not to care. This is going to take a looong time, Mintkit thought.
“STOP!” Mintkit yelled, even surprising herself. She saw Blossomkit and Rosekit come to an abrupt stop, and saw that Rosekit and Blossomkit had been in the middle of stomping and practically jumping on each other.
“Uuuhh, how about nobody gets it?” Mintkit added, trying not to sound like a bossy kit.
“Uuuhh, who made you leader?” Rosekit asked sceptically.
Mission not to sound bossy: FAIL Mintkit thought.
“I did. Just now.” Mintkit said “And I suppose our clan is called KitClan”
“Yay! So, it’s just us then?” Blossomkit squealed, being the excitable kit she was.
“Yes, my deputy.” Mintkit said, which just made Blossomkit squeal even louder.
“I’m here too” Rosekit remarked annoyedly.
“Yes yes yes” Mintkit said. “Instead of me giving you warrior names, pick your own if you want.”
“Yes MintSTAR” Blossomkit giggled. “I, Blossomwing, have chosen my name!”