Table of Contents
- Chapter One (The Basics)
- Chapter Two (The Clans)
- Chapter Three (Roles, Ranks, and Names)
- Chapter Four (Other Stuff)
- Chapter Five (Glossary)
Chapter One: The Basics
As an overall summary Warriors is pretty much about cats living (and surviving) in the wild. There are four Clans, each of which has ranks inside. The cats fight and as a result, some of them have learned to heal. The fighters are Warriors, and the Healers medicene cats. There is also a leader and a deputy, (more on that later). There are many other ranks in the clan, including, elders, queens, and appentices. The cats have also StarClan, where all the dead cats go. Thats the basics! Read more and learn more!
Chapter Two: The Clans
To start off, you have to understand not all cats are in a clan. There are kittypets (house cats), rouges (cats outside of clans that live in groups), and loners (cats outside of clans that live alone). But most of the (living) cats in the books live in one of the four clans. The clans are: ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan. Each Clan has a unique abilty and a different territory. There is also StarClan, where the dead cats go.
ThunderClan: This is kind of the main Clan, in the sense that most of the main charectars are in it. ThunderClan cats live in the forest, eat forest prey (small birds, mice, that sort of stuff), and are considered brave, but bossy. ThunderClan cats are good fighters.
ShadowClan: They are protrayed as evil, but I think ShadowClan's leaders are the real evil cats. ShadowClan lives in a bog and pine forest and eat forest prey and frogs. Many cats think ShadowClan stinks and therefore complain about their smell constantly. ShadowClan cats are good night fighters/hunters and are very sneaky.
WindClan: WindClan cats are fast and thin. They live on the moor and eat mostly rabbits. WindClan cats seem like cowards because they are good at running, but I dont think they really are.
RiverClan: (my personal favorite). RiverClan cats are graceful and good swimmers. They live by a river, eat fish, and are contantly made fun of for it. RiverClan will eat large birds if they have to, but prefer to stick to fish.
StarClan: Medicene cats get prophecys from StarClan, and share them with their Clan. StarClan prohecys are criptic and useally only make sense once they have already come true. StarClan lives in a plentiful forest, and probably dont have to each even though they have endless prey. If you go to StarClan when you are old, your youth is restored. If you die as a kit, you are a kit forever.
Chapter Three: Roles, Ranks, and Names
The ranking and naming system is very complicated. There is a prefix, and a suffix. Prefixes always stay the same, but suffixes change throughtout your life. The easiest way to explain is with examples. Lets say you are born and your parents name you Amberkit. For the first six moons of your life, you live in the nursery with your mom (whose rank is queen for these six moons). Your suffix is kit. When you reach six moons, you can become a medicene cat, or a warrior. Most kits decide warrior, because one, medicene cats cant have a mate or kits, and two, there can only be two medicine cats and one medicene cat apprentice at a time. Lets say you chose warrior. The leader changes your suffix to paw, making you Amberpaw, and gives to a mentor. After a while of training, the leader will make you a full warrior. There are many suffixes, and the leader picks which oen you get. Lets say you are named Ambertail. Most cats will keep that suffix for the rest of their life, but some become deputys, and when the leader dies, leader. Leaders go to the moonstone with medicene cats and get nine lives. Their suffix also changes to star. Now you are Amberstar.
Rank Explanations Version 2
Kit: Suffix, kit. You live in the nursery with your mother and are a kit for the first six moons of your life.
Warrior Apprentice: Suffix, Paw. You live in the apprentice's den and are trained to be a warrior by your mentor.
Full Warrior: Suffix, Chosen By Leader. You live in the warrior's den and sometimes can become a mentor.
Deputy: Suffix, Your Warrior Suffix. Co-leader. You organize hunting and border patrols, and become leader if the leader dies. To become deputy, you must first train an apprentice.
Leader: Suffix, Star. You lead the clan. Leaders can not retire and become elders. Leaders also have nine lives, granted by StarClan, at the Moonstone (medicine cats and leaders go there to dream with StarClan)
Queen: Suffix, Your Warrior Suffix. Queens are she-cats who have kits or will have kits soon. Queens are fed by the clan, do not have to hunt, and live in the nursery. They move back to the warrior's den once they're kits are apprentices.
Medicine Cat: Suffix, Chosen By Leader. The healer of the clan who treats injuries, sickness, and the aftereffect of battles. Medicine Cats live in the Medicine den. If you are injured badly, you sleep in the same den as the Medicine Cat(s). Medicine cats can not take a mate or have kits.
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Suffix, Paw. A medicine cat in training. They're training usually takes longer than a warrior apprentices. They sleep in the Medicine den.
Elder: Suffix, Your Warrior Suffix. A cat that has lived a long life, usually between 8 and 12 who wishes to retire to the elders den and be fed and cared for by warriors. Elders are respected and cared for because they have served their clan.
Permanent Queen: Suffix, Your Warrior Suffix. A Queen who instead of moving back to the warrior den, lives in the nursery and cares for other Queens and kits.
Chapter Four: Other Stuff
A few other things.
- Warriors can take a mate and have kits, but they can not take a mate from another clan.
- The Clans have separate camps and territories that they patrol daily and get very mad if somecat gets to close or crosses. Fights can break out if another clan steals prey.
- The Clans fight a lot and most of the reasons are petty.
- Erin Hunter, the author of Warriors is well more like Authors. There are multiple Erin Hunters, and the first series is kinda technically the only real Warriors series. The rest are spin offs.
- The Clans have a gathering ever moon (month) in which the leaders sit on the Great Rock, and the selected cats from the Clans gather below.
- The Medicine Cats (this includes their apprentices) gather at the Moonstone every quarter moon and dream with StarClan. This is sometimes how the receive prophecies, but they can also get then in their (Normal) sleep.
- I will add more important things late if I can think of any.
Chapter Five: Glossary
- Kittypet (house cat)
- Rouge (cats outside of clans that live in groups)
- Loner (cats outside of clans that live alone)
- Leaf bare (Winter
- Newleaf (spring)
- Greenleaf (summer)
- Leaf fall (Fall)
- Sun High (Noon)
- Moon high (Midnight)
- Moon (Moon Cycle, About A Month)
- 'paw (apprentice)
- Fresh Kill (Fresh Prey)
- Fresh Kill Pile (The Prey-Pile or Pile of Prey)
- I'll add more when I think of more.