Name: Brambleberry
Rank: Medicene Cat
Clan: RiverClan, Forest Territory.
Some More Things: Brambleberry helped Crookedstar recover and was mentored by Mudfur.
Why I (Echonight) Chose Her: I like Brambleberry. She's nice. (P.S. Sorry that the image isn't perfect, but it was as close as I could get.)
Best Quotes:
"The seasons change, Stormkit, but RiverClan never stops being RiverClan. Shellheart will always be brave and loyal, whether there is sun or snow on his pelt. And you will always have the heart of a warrior, no matter what your name is."
"Perhaps I should change my name. I could be called Swallowherb. See? Because that's what I do. I make cats swallow herbs."
"It's all you need. Queens have been kitting since the ancient Clans. It's the most natural thing in the world."
"So? The Clans are like honeysuckle. One tendril chokes the other to reach for the light, believing they grow from separate stems. When the sun shines, young leaves fight for its warmth. The struggle makes the bush strong, each branch seeking out the light and climbing even higher. But when there is no sun, when the leaves begin to fall and the branches wither one by one, the stem must look to its roots for nourishment."
Make your own warrior cat minis @
(P.S. Ill add more to 'some more things' gtg now! Bai)