As I begin everything I write, I don't mean to offend anyone and this is my personal opinion.
Alright time to begin. Should she have picked Bramblestar or Ashfur?
Ashfur - I mean I like him a lot more than Bramblestar but he tried to murder Squirrelflight's kits and then possessed Bramblestar because Squirrelflight dumped him. Also is related to Squirrelflight (as her half uncle)
Bramblestar - Nice kind cat who has very little character flaws (unlike Ashfur). Doesn't try to murder Squirrelflight's kits or any of that. But their relationship goes on and off constantly. Also is related to. Sqirrelflight. (Bramblestar's dad is Tigerstar whose mom is Leopardfoot, whose brother is Redtail whose Daughter is Sandstorm, and Sandstorm is Squirrelflights mom...)
Debate in the comments if you like. Cause I can't decide.
More on closely related mates in my next post.