- Scourge is Firestar's half brother
- Raggedstar, Brokenstar, Rowanstar, and Tigerstar (first and second), are all related pretty closely.
- Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf are marked as mates
- Heathertail and Breezepelt are related. (Breezepelt's great grandpa was Stagleap, whose other grandchild was Heathertail)
- In the family tree, it might say that Dustpelt is Ravenpaw's father????
- Birchfall and Whitewing are related (Birchfall's dad, Dustpelts, is the brother of Sandstorm, whose mate is Firestar, whose nephew is Cloudtail, whose daughter is Whitewing.)
- Shadowsight has kin in a lot of clans (ThunderClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan, I'll add more if I can think of More)
- Feathertail and Crowfeather are marked as mates.
- Tallstar is veryyyy losely related to Firestar, meaning he is also related to Jake. (I'll explain later)
- More coming soon!