Chapter 26 - Boredom & Walking
“Mintleaf? Did Leaf give you any hints to how much longer we have to walk?” Fallenwings asked, hoping to reach the first clan soon. It was a shock there even were other clans for him.
“Ha. No. She just cryptically said to follow the Rain Star to find the cats of rain. Which we are doing.” Mintleaf replied, padding next to him.
“Oh, so we could be walking for another century.” Fallenwings mewoed wryly.
“No- We can't live for a century.” Mintleaf muttered.
“Wow. Nice.” Fallenwings joked, not wanting to think about death or StarClan. He had lost Silversong and so many friends in the recent battle. That made him feel bad, that he was leaving his clan now. They needed him to rebuild, but he supposed they needed him more to do this. Find the cats of rain, whoever they are.
“You there?” Mintleaf asked. “You look far away.”
“Just thinking.” Fallenwings meowed. “Do you feel bad we are traveling now? When the clan needs us?” He repeated his worries to Mintleaf.
“Sometimes. But I know we have to.” Mintleaf replied. “I miss my friends and family.”
“Me to…” Fallenwings murmured. I wish Echonight was here...
There was a long pause in the conversation.
“Well.” Mintleaf said, walking next to him.
“Well.” Fallenwings echoed her after a minute, wanting to break the awkward silence.
They continued on walking for a long time, and though Fallenwings grew bored, he didn't say anything, wishing Mintleaf would. But of course she couldn't read his mind, and was just silent.
If no ones gonna talk then we'll be here for a while... He thought, wishing it wasn't true.