Rain Tribe
LEADER: Orchidlilly - A light pink, light orange, and white she-cat with orange eyes
Pine - light green tom with dark green eyes and ginger spots
Birch - White tom with gray stripes and light blue eyes
Ivy - A pale green she-cat with brown paws and green eyes
Vine - A pale green she-cat with brown paws and green eyes
Nettle - A spiky green tom with white spots and green eyes
Lilac - A light purple she-cat with yellow green eyes
Tulip - A orange, red, and white tom with orange eyes
Petal - A light blue, purple, and green she-cat with vibrant green eyes
Violet - A light purple she-cat with black and white markings and blue eyes
Aster - A yellow and orange tom with yellow eyes
Azalea - A pinkish she-cat with light gray markings and blue eyes
Lotus - A bright white she-cat with purple-pink markings and light yellow eyes
Holly - A black and dark green she-cat with dark green eyes
Swallowtail - A yellow-orange and black she-cat with dark blue markings and blue eyes
Flower - A multicolored rainbow she-cat with iridescent purple-blue eyes
Monarch - A orange and black she-cat with orange eyes
Jaguar - A sleek brown she-cat with black dapples and amber eyes
Leopard - A sleek brown tom with black dapples and amber eyes
Dahlia - A yellow tinted she-cat with pink dapples
Rose - A white she-cat with light red stripes on her back and tail and green eyes
Fern - A pale tom with a green-ish tint and blue eyes
Dew - A white tom with one green and one blue eye
Dragonfly - A sleek orange tinted tom with iridescent blue-green eyes
Butterfly - A light pink she-cat with yellow eyes and lighter pink dapples
Bird - An amber tom with green eyes and white underbelly
Berry - A red she-cat with green eyes and yellow dapples
Stem - A green she-cat with yellow eyes
River - A pale blue she-cat with blue eyes
Bloom - A pink she with yellow dapples on her paws and red dapples across her back with yellow eyes
Jasmine - A bright white she-cat with one light gray paw and green eyes
Primrose - A light pink she-kit with yellow eyes
Zinnia - A orange and pink she-kit with bright yellow eyes
Periwinkle - A light purple and white fluffy tom with yellow eyes
Magnolia - A bright white she-kit with light pink markings and blue eyes